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作者:jnscsh   时间:2020-10-25 01:57:45   浏览次数:

  1. Effort doesnt matter; results do.


  Its great to try hard, but if youre not getting the job done well, it ultimately wont matter. In the workplace, youre judged by the quality of what you produce, not by how hard you worked to produce it.


  2. is a really bad idea.


  In school, if you waited until the last minute to do a project in college, you were the only one who suffered. At work, if you put off a project until the last minute, you risk your professional reputationand you could even get fired.


  3. You need to be when writing in the workplace.


  Colleges tend to teach students to write longassigning page count minimums, and encouraging long explorations of a single topic. While this has its own value, its exactly the wrong approach for the workforce. When writing for work, shorter is nearly always better. Most bosses dont want to read long memosthey want the key highlights, ideally in bullet points.


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